January 14, 2009

MLKin' It

Hey, reader, have you ever seen one of those lists that compare some weird coincidences between JFK and Abraham Lincoln? You know, like:

Abraham Lincoln never shaved his face.
JFK never shaved his balls.

Well, I felt it necessary, given the upcoming holiday, to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and another outstanding American citizen, so I’ve decided to reveal some of the similarities between MLK and myself. What say we just jump right in?

MLK was born in Atlanta, GA.
I was born in Atlanta, GA.

MLK was killed on April 4.
I was born on April 4.

MLK married Coretta Scott in her parents’ yard.
I married my wife in her parents’ yard (my wife’s parents', not Coretta Scott King’s parents’).

MLK was an ordained minister.
I am an ordained minister.

Some of MLK’s demonstrations resulted in people being sprayed with a firehose.
I have a cousin who is a fireman.

MLK was supposedly killed by James Earl Ray.
I know like, two or three guys named James.

James Earl Ray was captured at London Heathrow Airport.
I’ve been to that airport.

MLK gave his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963.
I frequently have dreams…sometimes several in one night.

MLK vehemently disagreed with the Vietnam War.
My stomach vehemently disagrees with Vietnamese food.

MLK was wiretapped by the FBI.
I can’t say anything for sure, but I have my suspicions…

MLK attended Booker T Washington high school in Atlanta.
Booker T was one of my favorite WWF wrestlers when I was in high school.

MLK has received many posthumous awards and honors.
Unfortunately, I cannot yet reveal the details of what a post-ablakalyptic world will look like.

MLK had an older sister named “Willie.”
I think “Willie” is a terrible name for a woman.

MLK had a son named Dexter.
Dexter on Showtime is one of my favorite shows.

MLK did an interview with Playboy in 1965.
I read Playboy entirely for the interviews.

MLK was a Baptist.
I’ve been baptized…twice. That’s right. Dubtized, I call it.

Well, there you have it. I reckon we have some sort of cosmic bond. Actually, the impact I'll make on this earth next to MLK is meaningless, but who's counting? God?? BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy your day off.

Oh, and if you want some dessert, I made a couple of pictures for this week's blog that my conscience (read: wife) wouldn't let me post. If you want to see them, all you gotta do is ask.


Grant said...

holy fuck, i had a sneaking suspicion that you were actually MLK or closely related to him.
you know i want to see those pictures sir

Katie said...

this is hilarious, though i concur with you conscience. i know the following is my traditional type of comment on this blog, but...

Dubtized? amazing. i'll appropriate that from you, thank you very much.

and now that i've stolen your words, and possibly your soul, you can add that to the list.

Anonymous said...

oooo i wanna see pictures

Anonymous said...
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jeremy said...

If at least one of these pictures doesn't feature you in Photoshopped black face, I'll gladly eat my hat. (Note: I frequently wear your mother's hooha as a hat.)