December 11, 2008


No, this isn’t a blog about delicious Ugandan dictators (sorry to burst your bubble). This week I’ve decided to put you to the test. Below are several images that represent various idioms, clichés, compound words, etc. What can I say, I like word games. You could call me a nerd, but my only weaknesses are sticks and stones so the next time you come at me, you better be packin’ (sticks and stones, that is). Anyway, some of these are pretty easy and some are intentionally tricky. I’ll get around to giving the answers eventually…maybe.

Let's start off with an easy one:

Now a little harder:

Ohhhhh, yeah, a little harder:

Yeah, just like go deep:

Here's a two-parter:

This one's in the details:

And finally, a bonus one for my long-time readers:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm rackin my brain over here. Are you gonna put the answers up or what?